Monday, February 17, 2014


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender students...

There are many different views and opinions on the subject of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students. As I mentioned in a previous blog post, I grew up attending public schools. At my high school I was very exposed to lesbian, gay, and bisexual students. In most high schools being gay is asking to be picked on. But at my school it was very accepted.
All throughout my senior year my best friend, Connor, was gay. And, to be honest, he was probably the most popular guy in the school. He had the greatest sense of humor, he was kind and warm-hearted, and not to mention he threw the best parties out of anyone. Connor was on prom court and although he didn't win guess who did? My friend Johnny, who was also gay. The summer after I graduated high school a bunch of my friends and I went to a gay club with Connor. Connor was the only gay one but we did it in support for him and thought nothing of it. It was a blast. Connor was never once judged or made fun of for being gay. He was who he was and he was okay with that.
Sophomore year in high school one of my best girl friends was a lesbian. We great up playing softball together and our families were very close. She was a grade ahead of me but she was never hated by anyone. She got along with every social group and all the teachers. She was not treated differently just because she was a lesbian.
In my opinion, it is ridiculous that lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students are being discriminated against within the school environment. Just because you are gay does not mean you're a bad person. In school you should feel at home. Teachers, administrators, and peers should all be conscious of the effects of bullying against gays. They don't deserve that at all. They're not different from any of us. I was very fortunate to live in such an understanding and accepting school district.

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My best friend Connor and I before our senior prom!

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