Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Personal Information:
1. I prefer to be called Ally.
2. My hometown is Madison, Ohio.
3. I want to teach anywhere from kindergarten to third grade. Any subject is fine, I just want to educate younger children.
4. I love to read, mostly nonfiction books. I played volleyball for most of my life. The reason I am so interested in education is because I have a younger brother with Down syndrome and I grew up volunteering in his classes, activities, and camps specifically for special ed kids.

Learning Style and more:
5. For me to feel comfortable taking intellectual and creative risks in the classroom I must have a good relationship with the teacher. I have to be comfortable around my professor to be able to step out of my comfort zone when it comes to writing assignments. As long as I feel like I have a good connection with my professor I will be able to do my best work more easily.
6. In all honesty I consider myself a pretty average student. I procrastinate probably a lot more than others which does effect my school work at times. This semester I am trying very hard to be a better student and get as much out of each class as I possibly can. Once I become comfortable enough in the classroom I will become very active and oral. I don't skip class and my assignments are on time (usually). I am now becoming more aware of my learning styles and I am starting to use them to my advantage more when it comes to studying and understanding concepts. The first thing I do when I don't understand something is ask questions until I do understand it.

Education Past and Present:
7. I have had many experiences as a student. I would have to say that my favorite experience as a student would be my senior year in high school in my honors anatomy class. I liked it so much because it was hands on and it was a lot of group work.
8. My biggest issue in the education field right now is the concept of grading. I think that kids, specifically teenagers, are more worried about their grades than what they are actually learning. I know this is a big issue with a lot of researchers and professors and I hope to see it brought up more as an issue in the future.

About Dr. Shutkin
1. What were you like in high school and college?
2. How early in your life did you decide that you wanted to be an educator?

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