What makes a good teacher?
After reading the question I know you're probably thinking to yourself that this is very open-ended and hard to answer. I agree with that as well. After much thinking I came to the conclusion that there are endless things that makes one a good teacher. There are so many different ways people can go about their teaching methods and concepts. I don't think that their is one right way to teach. Just like I don't think there is one thing that makes someone a good teacher. Reading chapters three and four in To Teach: the Journey, in Comics is what brought me to asking the question, what makes a good teacher? In these chapters we were introduced to a few different teachers, all with very different approaches to teaching. Although the characters introduced had significant differences in their teaching methods, they were all good teachers.
Here are some quotes from the book that will briefly explain a few of the different methods of teaching brought up in the book:
"In a straightforward way, this teacher had created a space for moral reflection and ethical action. Right away his classroom became a place where learning to live together was a high value" (Ayers 38).
"Malik's environment has its own big meanings: everyone is an author of his or her own text. We are each an expert on our own lives. Come in, share your story!" (Ayers 39).
"For me, all teaching has to start with the personal - even something that some would construct as impersonal, like math - because teaching always involves a human being engaged with other human beings, and the interesting thing is what happens to that teacher, to those students, and what happens in the field between them" (Ayers 58").Each of these methods are very different from one another. That is why when asking yourself what makes a good teacher there is no one answer. There are thousands of answers to that question.
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